Monday, January 4, 2010

016: Plowing the fields

Velvet concrete drawn, yet the voice lingers on,
drilling rusted joints for anointment oil
to bless the spiral word meteor
adored in doomsday clock cult cogs.
Hushed in oxide parlours,
a colorless rainbow to hang from;
hear the waves, fear flavored,
mother the conjectures of revolutions,
in ebbs and flows, chart peak mountaineering.
Subject in silence, nerves meet air,
exposed in the flaming wireframe,
shoulderblades to sever the neck.
Aeries loom above the inside,
third eye retinal scan, the obscene abyss
reflects starlight from hell's firmament.
If I'd build a bronze serpent from the ashes of the unborn
to douse the radiance of the night
and terraform dried candlefields,
wouldn't such absence bleed the vision
with toxic subsequence?
Dip the spear in tranquil ebullience,
monotony is but covert self-fulfilling prophecy,
while correction fluid stains the body (subtly),
one can trace antidote formulas
in the secret discourse of tenants of wings.

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