Monday, March 1, 2010

019: While the world sleeps

Every evening, as the light sinks dim,
armies march homeward in cardboard discipline,
on the crests of waves through lunar seas of salt
to the cadence of recurring dreams
and the tepid isostasy of illusions.

Every morning, as the noise explodes,
the whipping hand quakes the cradle
and bottom deals a newborn flaming wing,
I take it for a walk, a ride, a flight
beyond steps and seas and silver lines.

Then the lid is regrown, the chrysalis resown,
sprawling dusk heralds the lachrymal feast
for Icarus, motionless in the perpetual abyss.
Egressing these frail walls on tippy toes,
I leave to dream of the blue curtains she wore.


  1. holy shit. i fucking love this.
    i hope the cursing portrays my excite.
    'cardboard discipline' first caught and i kept catching over the entirety.

  2. Lovingly lyrical, yet somber! "armies marching homeward in cardboard discipline" - divine line.

  3. thank you very much both!

    well, public transportation does help get that vital grimy disposition, but i'm not giving away any more spoilers, no siree [insert big silly grin emoticon, my favorite, by the way]
