With trembling hands on the viscid scape,
to never spoil a precious petal,
pickpocketing sights in subway cars to relive,
to recreate card chapels of sincere prayer,
of unbecoming words trepid of loss.
Modulate memories in gold and black like she was,
thoughts to fornicate in sagging anthills,
escalade in grasshops a private mountain
straying the escarpment of a lost Naraka
whence cells crystallize in human tidbits to be
a feeble abode of instinct and love
and culled fear, skulking in cherry groves.
Here, a collection of coincidences
ascribed to paths of stars and cold bodies,
in a neonate game, older than my forefathers;
here, a bardo trap, a keep of comforts
of empty presents from a wishlist in tar
that spells like a last will protruding
through cracks in my undying joy.
Within gardens of evil and hope,
roots of rage reel to acquire frail flowers,
pollen of pictures in blood ringing
on the limbs of butterflies washed in sunfire.
Test the finites of absolution, alpha and omega
in one single consummate image, nerve induced
through the pupil of the third eye.